What Should You Look for in a Garage Door Cables Inspection?
Garage door cables are very strong while also being flexible. This allows them to pull up the door and wind around a drum. Most doors have either an extension spring system or a torsion spring system. The type of system you have will determine the type of wear and tear on the cables. Some things to look for when you inspect your cables are:
• Kinks in the cable
• Frayed areas along the cable
• A protrusion that may cause fraying
• Accumulated debris that is attracted to heavy lubricants
What to Consider If You Have A Torsion System
If you find any of the above conditions in torsion system cables, it’s recommended to have the cables replaced by a professional. Torsion springs have a lot of potential energy because they do the heavy lifting to open the door and can be dangerous to disconnect by an amateur. A Long Beach garage door repair company will be able to handle the replacement quickly and efficiently.
What to Consider If You Have Extension System Cables
Extension systems may develop the same conditions listed above. They will also require the springs to be removed, which can safely be done by a professional. The springs are parallel to the track and pull the garage door up and back into its open position. The door needs to be kept in the open position with clamps secured on the bottom roller while the springs are being removed and the cable replaced. Along with the cables, in an extension system, the pulleys should also be inspected regularly as they can wear out with repeated use.
If you regularly inspect your garage door cables, you can have any problem dealt with before it becomes a major safety issue. Both torsion and extension systems are well-designed and will provide many years of service.