Learn about the causes of different stains that you may notice on your garage door and how to get rid of the stains. You can also prevent many types of stains with routine garage door maintenance.
Three Common Types of Stains Found on Your Garage Door
When inspecting your garage door, you may notice that it has some discolored areas or stains. This discoloration can result from exposure to chemicals, weathering, and disintegration of parts of the door itself. If the stains persist or come back after you remove them, you may need to schedule a garage repair in Long Beach to resolve the situation.
Rust stains look like orange to brown spots and are often found near the bottom of a garage door. The door may develop rusty spots from exposure to deicers such as rock salt. Other chemicals, such as paint thinners may also cause the garage door to develop corrosion spots. The rusted areas can be sanded and painted over. If the rust has eaten through the garage door, it is a good idea to replace it. Rust can be prevented by regularly rinsing the door off with plain water.
Black Streaks
Black streaks on the garage door may be a result of lubricant or grease dripping off of the springs, tracks or cables. If lubricant was recently applied to the opener during a maintenance visit, some extra may have dripped onto the door. These streaks can be removed with a detergent, water, and a soft-bristled scrub brush.
Brown and Yellow Speckles
Brown and yellow colored speckles on your garage door could be pollen from trees, grasses, weeds and flowers. This phenomenon is most often noticed in the spring and summer months of the year when plants in your area are releasing a lot of pollen. The pollen can stick to the surface of the garage door, causing it to appear speckled. Bits of dust or dirt may also stick to the door. You can monitor the pollen levels and wash off your garage door once per week when the pollen levels are high.