Learn More About Garage Doors
If you are about to move into your first home, you may be curious about how long components such as a garage door will last for. Veteran homeowners may also be curious about how to paint it or what materials garage doors are made from. The answers to these questions can help you take better care of them and maximize their useful life.
How Long Does a Garage Door Last?
A garage door can last for 15 to 30 years if it is properly taken care of. Of course, that depends on how often it is used and the weather conditions that it is exposed to. Ideally, you will have it inspected once a year to catch any issues that may have arisen. A company that specializes in garage door repair in California may be able to do the inspection or fix any problems that were discovered while it is conducted.
What Materials Can Be Used to Make a Garage Door?
A garage door can be made from a variety of different materials such as wood or aluminum. It may also be possible to create a door that is made from aluminum or vinyl that looks like it is made from wood. The type of material that you choose will depend on your budget as well as how much time you want to spend maintaining it.
How Often Should a Garage Door Be Painted?
Generally speaking, a garage door should be repainted every five years or so depending on the conditions that it is exposed to. Of course, your door may not need to be painted depending on its composition. Ideally, you will have it painted prior to putting in on the market as it makes it look clean and properly cared for.